Test Cases

SF DSS/ App for tomatoes in the Continental region




Biogeographical region

Range of digital technologies
Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) and applications (inc. DSS)

Target stakeholders
Tomato producers with commercial fields of different sizes.

Short description
The FMIS applied is a web app allowing the farmers to access all the information needed for being compliant with the ‘zero residue’ protocol defined by the transformation industry, which pays a premium price to farmers delivering tomatoes with no pesticides or with residues below the detection threshold. By using the web app, the farmers will be able to identify periods in which protection interventions are needed and select the best commercial pesticides to be applied in the field based on the target disease/pest and the number of days left to harvest. The web app is applied during the cultivation phase from transplant to harvest.

Major goals
The use of the web app will improve profitability of the farm as it will result in a reduction of pesticide use and in an increased income for the farmers due to both reduced costs, for decreasing pesticide applications, and premium price for zero residue.