The 1st EU-wide Train The Trainers (TTT) Workshop focused on the QuantiFarm Digital Innovation Academy (DIA), was conducted successfully in Lisbon, on June 27th and 28th, 2024, with the support of our partner Consulai!
During this 2-day session, members of our partner organisations Agridea, Neuropublic, TNO, Filagro, Consulai and our Coordinator Gaia Epicheirein took center stage to provide an inclusive session, aimed at providing methodological guidelines and principles on how to organise successful and efficient national educational trainings in the framework of QuantiFarm.
Day 1
During the 1st day, our Coordinator Dionysios Solomos (Gaia Epicheirein) kicked-off the 2-day workshop with an opening session focused on the QuantiFarm DIA. Following his presentation, Olivia Harmann and Markus Rombach (AGRIDEA) took the floor to present an extensive session named “Methodological part of how to organise a national training session in the field of DATS”, during which they deep dived into the Scope, intended objectives and format of national training sessions in the frame of QuantiFarm DIA, the necessary steps for organizing a national training session and typical pitfalls and how to prevent them. An interactive hands-on exercise “Planning a national training course based on QuantiFarm Blueprint” took place after their presentations, sparking group discussions and creative thinking among the participants. The results of the exercise were then discussed thoroughly, bringing new challenges and conversations to the table, and giving the floor to the next sessions presented by AGRIDEA members.Have a glimpse below! 👇

The first day concluded with Nikos Kalatzis’ (NEUROPUBLIC) and Savvas Malliotis’ (FILAGRO) presentation “Training on various types of DATs and their potential benefits, costs, and sustainability impacts.”, highlighting several key points, such as the role of farm advisors in DATSs uptake by farmers, the regulatory compliance obligations arising from
farm-level DATSs usage, and DATSs’ fundamental concepts and categorization.

Day 2
An in-depth presentation of the QuantiFarm Toolkit kick-started the second and final day of the TTT workshop, with Nikos Kalatzis (NEUROPUBLIC), deep diving into the how to use the QuantiFarm Toolkit, its theoretical foundations, scope and uses, while focusing on its various features’ technical parts one-by-one. An interactive session by Caroline van der Weerdt (TNO), Nikos Kalatzis (NEUROPUBLIC) and Diogo Moniz (Consulai) followed, aimed at providing “Recommendations under which conditions and in which way DATSs deliver best results for a farmer.”

And the workshop closed with the session “Methodological part of guidelines and training to help advisors use all DIA modules”, provided by Dionysios Solomos (Gaia Epicheirein) and Markus Rombach (AGRIDEA). The final session touched upon: How to present DATSs to a farmers’ audience, How to advise farmers on DATSs selection, and provided Facilitation tips and supporting materials for making national training sessions more practical and engaging. A group discussion concluded the final session and all attendees had the opportunity to get their certificate of participation to this inclusive training by the Project Coordinator Dionysios Solomos.

Thank you all for your valuable input and for all the knowledge gained during this 2-day workshop!