QuantiFarm presents another insightful Q&A session, aiming to cover all the main topics of the project! This time, the spotlight is on our project partner Consulai, the largest advisory company in Portugal in the agri-food sector, which holds the responsibility of testing and assessing the DATs in real conditions, across the project’s 30 Test Case visits. In this interview, Diogo Moniz, explains the set joint methodology for the DATs application in different countries, farms and fields, while also highlighting the main challenges encountered during the conducted test case visits. As he mentions, in order to better assess DATs in real life conditions, the creation and distribution of a questionnaire, common for all farmers, was a key starting point for this ambitious process.
The main challenge is that QuantiFarm is a very heterogenous project, meaning that there are not only different conditions to be assessed, but also there are different working cultures among the countries that need to be considered when approaching a Test Case Leader.
Diogo Moniz, Research & Innovation Consultant, Consulai Tweet
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