Biogeographical region
Range of digital technologies
Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) and applications (inc. DSS)
Target stakeholders
Farms located in the North-East of Romania have approximately 2000 dairy cows.
Short description
Through the intuitive, comprehensive dairy and farm management tool (Afimilk) used in this TC, integration and translation of all cow and milk data into practical information will take place towards its utilisation in order to make informed decisions. This tool utilises sophisticated antenna technology that allows the same tag to function as an effective, accurate tool for cow identification in the milking parlour and at the sorting gate. Farmers can receive alerts at the start of calving, and when prolonged calving occurs and timely interventions that prevent complications and calf mortality, in the context of identifying health problems and group well-being issues such as overcrowding, poor bedding, etc. Measurements of the milk yield and quality for each cow, and monitoring of the milk components (fat, protein, lactose) will also take place in this TC.
Further a feeding software (FarmManager8) will be applied in order to automise and programe the procedures of calculating the Recipes from the Personal Computer to the Feed Navigator, Recipes by Totals or by Animals Number, Dry Matter of each Ingredient, Appetite Percentage of each Animal Group, Recipes according to the set Ingredient Dry Matter function, while ensuring the Full Warehouse management.
Major goals
The goal of utilising the dairy and farm management under this TC is the increase of the herd's pregnancy rate by providing accurate and time-sensitive heat detection. It identifies cows for insemination, and the ideal time to inseminate them. Also it aims to increase cows well-being and health status, while minimising the labour costs by improved decision making processes.