Wondering what our partners have been up to the past months? Keep scrolling to get an insight of our activities!
AGRIDEA at the IALB conference 2023
Our partner AGRIDEA participatied in the IALB conference 2023, in Dresden, where its team members presented our project via a poster presentation, focusing on QuantiFarm’s current and future plans, while also organising the Workshop “Digitalisation Today”, together with EUFRAS, gathering 40 participants and boosting interactions and Q&A sessions. The IALB conference 2023 marked a great opportunity for our project to be presented, as more than 450 participants, including advisors and scientists from all over Europe attened the event! Learn more about the IALB conference here.

TNO & CONSULAI at the CIOSTA conference
Our partner TNO, along with the support of CONSULAI, presented farmer storyboards to an audience of researchers and advisors at the CIOSTA conference in beautiful Évora, Portugal! Storyboards are a means to vivify the data found during TNO’s behavioural analysis of DAT adoption, under the idea that visual stories help to empathise with farmers far more than graphs. This idea was further confirmed by the audience’s warm reception of the storyboards and provision of useful feedback, leading to the repetition of a storyboard session in the coming months! Learn more about the CIOSTA Conference here.

Delphy at the Onion Day
Delphy had the opportunity to participate in the Onion Day, in Zeeland, in the Netherlands, an event attended by more than 1,200 interested farmers and representatives of companies in the onion chain. During the event, a tour on the trial field took place, followed by a visit in the exhibition of companies and the mechanization square. The insightful event was of much interest for Delphy, as the company conducts a Quantifarm test case in the onion crop.

CEMA at the Agrifood Innovation Event
On November 21st, our partner organisation CEMA participated in the AgriFood Innovation Event, in Veldhoven, Netherlands, an event focused on embracing the power of interdisciplinarity in the agrifood sector, covering various topics, such as 3D Food Printing, Protein Transition, Smart Farming and Vertical Farming. Vanja Biševac (CEMA) gave a speech on Smart Farming, introducing our project to a multicultural and multi-background audience. Learn more about the AgriFood Innovation Event here.

Confagricoltura the ECOMONDO
Confagricoltura participated at the ECOMONDO exhibitiom held in Rimini, Italy, on 7-10 November, organising a workshop on sustainability, technological innovation and bioeconomy. During this workshop, our partner presented QuantiFarm, generating considerable interest among the workshop participants, who we were informed on how agriculture can play a key role in the transition to a more sustainable society. Thank you Confagricoltura for communicating QuantiFarm’s mission! Learn more about the event here.

Foodscale Hub at the the FaRMER Multiplier Event
Our partner Foodscale Hub and Terra Consulting participated at the FaRMER Multiplier Event, set against the picturesque backdrop of Karin Salaš in Srbobran, Serbia. During the event Foodscale Hub team members showcased QuantiFarm, among other EU projects, and Terra Consulting members Nikola Kopilović and Radivoj Nicin shared insights on integrating digital technologies into agriculture, to a diverse audience of farmers, agricultural producers, food production SMEs and key agritech representatives in Serbia. Later that day, Mladen Radisic (Foodscale Hub) was interviewed by the Serbian national broadcasting service Radio-televizija Vojvodine, mentioning QuantiFarm.

A big thank you to all our partners for contributing to the dissemination of the project – Keep up to date with our activities by following us on social media! ✨