GAIA is the coordinator of the project, contributing across all WPs to make sure that results support properly both farmers and advisors. GAIA also leads the QuantiFarm DIA and the respective activities for advisors.

GAIA EPICHEIREIN is a private company resulting from an alliance between farmers & agri-cooperatives as well as advisors with strategic partners from the IT and banking sector in order to serve a common vision for a more sustainable and competitive Greek agriculture. The company is the key supporting entity of Greek farmers and agri-cooperatives, providing information, policy support and services that allow them to become more sustainable and competitive while making the most out of EU and national financing tools. GAIA is a member of Copa Cogeca and EUFRAS, representing both Greek farmers and advisors at an EU level.

Partner role:

GAIA is the coordinator of the project, contributing across all WPs to make sure that results support properly both farmers and advisors. GAIA also leads the QuantiFarm DIA and the respective activities for advisors.