One of the main goals of QuantiFarm is to raise awareness about the project, making it reach a broader, global audience. This is why we never miss a chance to attend and participate in various events and spread our news with multiple stakeholders!
Only a few months after the project was launched, we have already attended several events, bringing QuantiFarm to the forefront of European projects’ synergies.
September was a particularly active month for our project, as on 27 & 28 of September, QuantiFarm also attended the SmartAgriHubs Final Event, in Lisbon, Portugal, participating in the workshop “The sustainability impact of Digital Agriculture Solutions in agriculture” organised by Ploutos H2020. It was a great opportunity for the project to be presented and surrounded by more than 200 stakeholders of the agtech and foodtech sector! Later on, on 20-23 October 2022, our partners didn’t miss the chance to promote our newly launched project in the Agrotica Exhibition 2022 international fair, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Another excellent occasion for the project to stand out, as Agrotica is one of the biggest agro-events in the Balkans, bringing together more than 100,000 stakeholders from the agricultural sector each year.
We are excited to share that the QuantiFarm project, was participated in Indagra 2022 Expo. The event took place in Bucharest, Romania, October 26th-30th, 2022. This is the most important agricultural event in Romania, bringing together hundreds of exhibitors from the agricultural sector. During the exhibition there were presented the latest trends in the agricultural, viticultural, horticultural and zootechnical, available both on the Romanian and the international market. One of the partners at the QuantiFarm project, ANAMOB, presented its work within the project framework and highlighted to the visitors the pathways through which the project aims to assess the impact of digital agriculture solutions.
On 15 November 2022, the traditional largest international conference of the agriculture and food sector in the Baltic States – “AgriFood Forum 2022” – took place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Almost two hundred guests and no less than 2,300 unique online viewers, had the opportunity to be informed about QuantiFarm’s insights, as one of our partners, Foodscale Hub participated in this event. More specifically, the project’s goal, outcomes and main activities were featured in the event, raising the awareness of assessing the impact of digital technology solutions in agriculture in real-life conditions.
COPA COGECA Policy Event and EU project workshop organised by our partner Copa Cogeca, took place on the 6th of December, 2022, in Brussels, Belgium, and, QuantiFarm was there, with our project coordinator Nikolaos Marianos’ presentation about digital technology solutions in agriculture, bringing new insights to all participants!

On the same month, on the 14th of December, 2022, QuantiFarm project was presented at the steering group meeting of project Agrihubi. The Finnish AgriHubi Network promotes cooperation between actors and builds new connections thematically. Main themes are farm business management, knowledge management and smart farming. Our partner, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), which is also the coordinator of the AgriHubi network, promoted the work that has been completed during the first six months of the QuantiFarm project to the steering group, representing a wide range of actors and stakeholders in the sector: farm companies and producer organizations, educational institutions, advisory organizations, research institutes and companies in the food chain.
This is only the beginning, as our partners’ plans for the next few years are already underway! It is always our pleasure to travel inside and out the European borders and meet people, with whom we share the same vision and point of view. Stay tuned and discover what the future holds for the new year!